Courgette and Tomato Soup: A Flavorful Twist on Classic Comfort

Courgette and tomato soup is a vibrant and healthy dish that brings together two of the most versatile vegetables in the kitchen. When combined, these ingredients create a comforting blend that is both nutritious and flavorful. Courgettes, also known as zucchinis, are low in calories and contain essential nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium, which can contribute to a healthy diet. Tomatoes, rich in vitamins A and C and antioxidants like lycopene, complement courgettes by adding a rich and tangy depth to the soup’s flavor profile.

A pot simmers on the stove, filled with vibrant green courgettes and ripe red tomatoes, steam rising as the ingredients meld together to create a delicious soup

The process of making courgette and tomato soup is as straightforward as it is satisfying. With an array of cooking methods available, from simmering on a stovetop to blending for a smoother texture, the soup can be easily tailored to suit any taste or dietary requirement. The basic steps involve sautéing onions and other desired vegetables, adding diced tomatoes and courgettes, and then simmering them in stock until everything is tender. The final dish can be served as is, or with a variety of garnishes such as basil, cream, or croutons for an added touch of elegance.

Key Takeaways

  • Courgette and tomato soup pairs nutritious ingredients in a flavorful dish.
  • The soup is versatile, with multiple cooking and blending techniques to fit personal preferences.
  • Options for garnishing the soup enhance its presentation and taste.

Health Benefits

A steaming bowl of courgette and tomato soup surrounded by fresh vegetables and herbs on a rustic wooden table

When I prepare courgette and tomato soup, I’m not just making a comforting meal, but I am also ensuring a good intake of essential nutrients. Courgettes, also known as zucchinis, are low in calories and contain a significant amount of water and fiber. They support healthy digestion and may aid in weight management efforts. Interestingly, courgettes are also rich in vitamin A, which promotes good vision, and immune function.

Tomatoes, on the other hand, bring in their wealth of benefits. They’re low in fat and calories, making them ideal in a healthy diet. Tomatoes are also renowned for their high antioxidant content, specifically lycopene, which is linked with a reduced risk of chronic diseases. Moreover, the presence of vitamin C and potassium in tomatoes supports heart health and helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure.

Combining these two vegetables, my courgette and tomato soup becomes a nutritional powerhouse. It’s not only low calorie and low fat but is also packed with essential vitamins and minerals. This is particularly beneficial for those striving for a healthy lifestyle without compromising on taste.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the nutritional highlights in courgette and tomato soup:

  • Courgettes: High in fiber, low in calories, rich in vitamin A
  • Tomatoes: Antioxidant-rich, good source of vitamins C and K, potassium, folate

By including courgette and tomato soup in my diet, I am nourishing my body with a meal that is both fulfilling and brimming with health benefits.

Choosing Ingredients

When I prepare courgette and tomato soup, selecting high-quality ingredients is paramount for a flavorful result. Here’s my guide for picking the best:

Courgettes: I choose firm, smaller courgettes as they tend to be sweeter with a more delicate flavor. Their skin should be vibrant and glossy without any blemishes.

Tomatoes: The soul of the soup, tomatoes must be ripe and aromatic to impart a rich taste. I often use a combination of canned tomatoes for the base and fresh tomatoes for a bright top note.

Olive Oil: A good quality extra virgin olive oil lays the groundwork for the soup’s depth, lending a subtle fruitiness.

Basil: Fresh basil leaves are crucial. I pick them with vibrant green leaves and a strong, fresh aroma to infuse the soup with its distinctive herbaceous note.

Herbs and Seasonings: Besides basil, I may incorporate other fresh herbs for complexity. Salt and pepper are essential, and a pinch of sugar can help balance the tomatoes’ acidity.

Here’s a brief checklist:

  • Courgettes: Small, firm, and glossy
  • Tomatoes: Canned for base, ripe fresh tomatoes for flavor
  • Olive Oil: Extra virgin for taste
  • Basil: Fresh with vibrant leaves
  • Herbs: Optional additions for complexity
  • Seasonings: Salt, pepper, and a touch of sugar

Remember, great ingredients are the foundation of a delicious courgette and tomato soup. By starting with the best, the flavors in your soup will sing with freshness and vibrancy.

Preparation Basics

A pot simmers on the stove. Courgettes and tomatoes are being chopped on a cutting board. Ingredients are laid out on the counter

Making a courgette and tomato soup is both straightforward and satisfying. I’ll be running through the essential equipment and the best practices for preparing your vegetables, ensuring you’re all set for a smooth cooking experience.

Preparation Equipment

Blender: A quality blender is crucial for achieving that perfect creamy consistency. I prefer to use a high-power blender that can easily puree the soup once it’s cooked.

Saucepan: A large, heavy-bottomed saucepan is ideal for cooking the soup evenly without burning. It should be large enough to hold all your ingredients and the liquid comfortably.

Baking Tray: For those who favor a depth of flavor, roasting the vegetables beforehand is a great option. A sturdy baking tray comes in handy for this step.

Other Essentials: Don’t forget a good wooden spoon for stirring, a durable chopping board, and a sharp knife for prepping the veggies. I find these tools indispensable for efficiency and safety while cooking.

Vegetable Preparation

  • Tomatoes: I start by washing the tomatoes and cutting them into quarters, setting them aside on my chopping board. If I’m roasting them, I’ll place them skin-side up on the baking tray and drizzle with a little olive oil.
  • Courgettes (Zucchini): I rinse the courgettes and slice them into rounds or dice them, depending on my mood. The key is to be consistent with size for even cooking.
  • Oven Ready: If roasting is part of your plan, preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C) and prepare to enjoy those delicious caramelized flavors.

Once both tomatoes and courgettes are prepared, I use my saucepan to sauté them together until they’re soft, which really brings out the richness of their flavors before I blend them into soup.

Cooking Method

Sauté courgettes and tomatoes in a pot. Add broth and simmer. Blend until smooth. Garnish with herbs

In preparing courgette and tomato soup, I use precise techniques and flavor enhancements to ensure a rich and comforting dish.

Cooking Techniques

I start by selecting a large saucepan to accommodate the vegetables and liquid. I use a medium heat to gently sweat the onion and garlic in olive oil until they’re soft but not colored, which usually takes about 5 minutes. Then, I add chopped courgettes and tomatoes to the saucepan. I pour in vegetable stock or water—the choice depends on my preference for depth of flavor—and bring the mixture to a simmer.

  • Cooking Time: I let it simmer for around 15 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.
  • Stock vs. Water: Using stock will give a more robust taste, but water will still yield a flavorful soup, especially when paired with the right seasonings.

Flavor Enhancements

To elevate the taste of the soup, I carefully adjust the seasonings. A pinch of sugar can counteract acidity from the tomatoes, while salt and pepper are essentials to bring out the natural flavors of the vegetables.

  • Season to Taste:
    • Salt: 1/2 teaspoon (adjust as needed)
    • Pepper: 1/4 teaspoon (adjust as needed)
    • Sugar: A pinch (if necessary)

After the vegetables are cooked through and seasoned, I blend the soup until smooth. For a final touch, I like to stir in a bit of cream, which offers a luxurious texture and a mellow counterpoint to the bright vegetable flavors.

Serving Suggestions

A bowl of courgette and tomato soup with a garnish of fresh herbs on a wooden table

When I prepare courgette and tomato soup, I always consider what to serve it with and how to garnish it for the best flavor and presentation.


For a hearty meal, I find that bread is an essential side. A slice or two of crusty bread, either toasted or fresh from the oven, makes a perfect pairing. Here’s a quick guide to my go-to bread choices:

  • Sourdough: Its tangy flavor complements the sweet and savory notes of the soup.
  • Ciabatta: A crispy, airy option, great for dipping into the rich tomato base.
  • Whole Wheat: For a healthy touch, this bread adds a nutty flavor and satisfying texture.

Garnishing Tips

Garnishing is key to enhancing the taste of courgette and tomato soup as well as its visual appeal. These are my top suggestions for garnishes that are both delicious and aesthetically pleasing:

  • Basil leaves: A few fresh basil leaves on top add a burst of freshness and color.
  • Sour cream: A dollop of sour cream or soured cream swirled into the soup creates a creamy contrast.
  • Olive oil: A drizzle of good quality olive oil gives a rich and smooth finish.
  • Croutons: Homemade or store-bought, crunchy croutons add a satisfying texture.

By focusing on well-chosen accompaniments and garnishes, every bowl can be elevated from a simple dish to a memorable meal.

Recipe Variations

A pot simmers on a stove, filled with a vibrant mix of courgettes and tomatoes, surrounded by a colorful array of herbs and spices

When crafting a bowl of courgette and tomato soup, the variations are plentiful and can cater to a wide range of dietary preferences. I’ll guide you through some vegan and vegetarian options as well as other variants that bring new flavors and textures to this classic dish.

Vegan and Vegetarian Options

For a vegan courgette and tomato soup, I ensure that all ingredients are plant-based. Replacing traditional chicken stock with a rich vegetable broth is my go-to move for maintaining depth of flavor. I find that tinned tomatoes work well as a base for the soup, while a spoonful of tomato puree can add that needed concentrated tomato taste.

  • To make it vegan:
    • Use vegetable stock or vegan bouillon.
    • Tinned tomatoes and tomato puree are excellent for depth.
    • Finish with a drizzle of olive oil instead of dairy-based cream.
  • To make it vegetarian:
    • Vegetable stock is still preferable, but if you’re not averse to dairy, a splash of cream can add richness.
    • Top it with freshly grated Parmesan, if desired.

Other Soup Variants

When it comes to tweaking courgette soup, roasting the vegetables is a game changer. Roasted tomato and courgette soup not only deepens the flavor profile but also adds a touch of smokiness that transforms the entire dish.

Here’s a simple variant for a different taste:

  • Enhance the soup by adding roasted red peppers or carrots along with the courgettes.
  • If you’re not strictly vegetarian, a good quality chicken stock can be used to infuse the soup with a more robust flavor.
  • For texture enthusiasts, consider adding cooked quinoa, barley, or even a handful of croutons as a topping for an added crunch.

Storage and Preservation

When it comes to maintaining the quality of my courgette and tomato soup, I find that proper storage is key. Here’s how I like to keep it fresh:

Refrigeration: For immediate use, I refrigerate my leftovers. I transfer the soup into a container with a tight-fitting lid and make sure it’s cool before sealing. It’s important to refrigerate within two hours of cooking to prevent bacterial growth.

  • Duration: In the fridge, my soup stays fresh for 3-4 days.

Freezing: For long-term storage, freezing is my go-to method. By freezing the soup, I can enjoy my summer produce well into the other seasons.

  • Process: To freeze the soup, I let it cool completely, then I pour it into freezer-safe bags or containers.
  • Portioning: I like to divide it into portions — that way, I only thaw what I need, which reduces waste.
  • Duration: In the freezer, it can last for about 2-3 months.

Tips for Freezing:

  • Label: Always label the bags or containers with the date, so I can keep track of how long they’ve been stored.
  • Space: I leave a little space at the top of the container since the soup will expand as it freezes.

When it comes time to enjoy my soup again, I simply thaw it in the fridge overnight or reheat it directly from the freezer over low heat, stirring occasionally to ensure even heating. By following these steps, I effectively preserve the robust flavors of my courgette and tomato soup without sacrificing quality.

Nutritional Information

When I prepare courgette and tomato soup, I’m always mindful of the nutritional content, focussing on calories, sugar, and fat among other factors. Courgettes, known as zucchinis in some regions, are low in calories, providing only about 17 calories per 100 grams. They are a good source of dietary fiber and contain negligible sugar, making them a great ingredient for a light, nutritious soup.

Tomatoes add a bit more sugar to the dish, contributing to the overall taste and texture. However, they are also low in calories, with about 18 calories per 100 grams, and provide beneficial nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium. They contain approximately 2.6 grams of sugar per 100 grams, which is still relatively low.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the nutritional content of a typical serving of my courgette and tomato soup:

  • Calories: A serving can range between 50 to 100 calories depending on additional ingredients used.
  • Sugar: Usually low, as both courgettes and tomatoes have naturally occurring sugars.
  • Fat: This soup is typically low in fat, especially if I use a small amount of olive oil for sautéing. A teaspoon of olive oil adds about 40 calories and 4.5 grams of fat.

Macronutrient Breakdown:

  • Proteins: ~1-2g (from vegetables)
  • Fats: ~0.5-5g (depending on oil usage)
  • Carbohydrates: ~7-10g (primarily from vegetables)

Remember, the actual nutritional values can vary based on the recipe and portion sizes. I always encourage tweaking recipes to meet personal dietary needs. For instance, to reduce the calorie content further, I might opt for a spray of oil instead of a teaspoon, or for a creamier texture without added fat, include a boiled potato blended into the soup.

Tips for Cooking with Kids

When I involve kids in making a tasty and easy courgette and tomato soup, I make sure the process is both fun and safe. I’ve found that safety is paramount, so I always supervise closely, especially when it comes to any cutting or stove-related steps.

Before starting, I ensure all ingredients are prepped. This makes the method straightforward and quick, keeping little ones engaged. I let the kids help with:

  • Washing vegetables
  • Tearing up basil leaves
  • Stirring the pot
Activity Child-Friendly Tool Safety Tip
Cutting courgettes Child-safe knives or scissors Close supervision
Measuring ingredients Measuring cups and spoons Teach accuracy
Stirring the pot Long-handled wooden spoon Prevent burns

I always remind children to wash their hands before and after cooking. Hygiene is as important as safety. We taste test together to explore flavors, enhancing their culinary experience and making it tasty.

To keep things easy and quick, I use a simple recipe with minimal steps. Courgette and tomato soup is ideal because the ingredients are easily handled and the cooking process isn’t overly complex.

By making each step approachable and explaining as I go, I instill confidence and impart my knowledge in a neutral and clear manner. My goal is for the kids to enjoy cooking as much as they enjoy eating the creations we make together.

Frequently Asked Questions

In this section, I’ll cover some common queries about crafting the perfect courgette and tomato soup, touching on everything from simple preparation methods to incorporating fresh ingredients and slow cooker adaptations.

What steps should I follow to make an easy courgette and tomato soup?

For an easy courgette and tomato soup, I start by sautéing onions and garlic, then add sliced courgettes and fresh or canned tomatoes. I let these ingredients simmer with vegetable stock, season with herbs like basil, and then blend until smooth.

How can I incorporate fresh tomatoes into courgette and tomato soup?

To incorporate fresh tomatoes, I usually deseed and chop them before adding to the pot. If I want a richer flavor, I might roast them beforehand to enhance their taste and add a touch of caramelization to the soup.

Can courgette and tomato soup be made in a slow cooker, and if so, what is the recipe?

Yes, courgette and tomato soup can be made in a slow cooker. My method involves placing diced courgettes, chopped tomatoes, onions, and garlic into the slow cooker, pouring in vegetable stock, and seasoning before cooking on low for 6-8 hours.

What is a good courgette and tomato soup recipe featured by BBC Good Food?

A good recipe featured by BBC Good Food involves roasting courgettes and tomatoes with garlic and then blending them with stock and basil. It’s simple and highlights the fresh flavors of the vegetables.

What is the recipe for a roasted courgette and tomato soup?

The recipe for roasted courgette and tomato soup requires halving tomatoes and quartering courgettes, then roasting them with olive oil, salt, and pepper. Once tender and slightly charred, I blend them with sautéed onion, garlic, and vegetable broth for a rich, velvety soup.

How can I modify a courgette and tomato soup recipe to include carrots?

To include carrots in the recipe, I peel and slice them, then add them to the pot along with the courgettes and tomatoes. They bring a natural sweetness to the soup and complement the other flavors nicely.

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