50 Things You Need To Declutter

When it comes to decluttering, sometimes the dramatic thought appears.

Oh, what if I miss this?

Oh, I purchased it with a lot of money, how could I throw it away?

et cetera.

Yes, there is a chance that you might miss it.

And yes, throwing away expensive item can means throwing away a lot of money.

But, hey!

When you set your home free from clutter, you are giving yourself (and everybody who lives in your home) a better living space.

Less clutter means less stress.

Less clutter means more time for quality time instead of organizing and cleaning things.

Now, if you feel that your home is crammed with clutter, brace yourself. You might need to declutter A LOT OF THINGS.

Oh, and remember, you don’t need to literally throw it away to the garbage bin.

Many items can be donated.

Still unsure of what to declutter?

Check out this list!

  1. Clothes that don’t fit anymore
  2. Clothes that haven’t be worn for the last 12 months
  3. Clothes that don’t suit your taste anymore
  4. Shoes that look torn, old, and ugly
  5. Shoes you cannot wear anymore
  6. Bags that went out of style / doesn’t suit your taste anymore
  7. Bags with a broken part
  8. Torn, ugly, old, or embarrassing socks you don’t want to wear anymore
  9. Broken hangers in your closet
  10. Accessories that haven’t been worn the past 12 months
  11. Excess Tupperware bottles (only keep what’s needed)
  12. Excess cutleries and dishwares (unless you host a big gathering in your home every week)
  13. Broken cutleries
  14. Excess trays
  15. Excess/broken bakeware
  16. Expired foods in your fridge
  17. Expired foods in your pantry
  18. Stored foods that are never used in the past 12 months
  19. Excess decorations in the kitchen
  20. Broken shelves
  21. Broken organizers
  22. Broken cleaning supplies
  23. Expired cleaning supplies
  24. Empty toiletries bottles
  25. Broken make up brushes
  26. Old toothbrushes
  27. Shower puff/ bath sponge that has been torn apart
  28. Very old towels with torn parts
  29. Excess hairbrush
  30. Old bath toys
  31. Expired items in your first aid box
  32. Expired items in the medication box
  33. Expired skincare products and makeups
  34. Broken pens and pencils
  35. NON-URGENT, NON-IMPORTANT printed documents you don’t need anymore
  36. Excess decorations in your home office
  37. Broken electronics
  38. Too many wires (if it can be replaced with the wireless system, do. If it cannot be removed whatsoever, hide it)
  39. Old CDs
  40. Old electronics that is not relevant to this day anymore
  41. Books with broken parts
  42. Books that haven’t been read for the last 12 months
  43. Old magazines
  44. Old newspaper
  45. Old school artworks (take picture of it and save it digitally first)
  46. Almost empty craft supplies
  47. Broken craft supplies
  48. Single socks in your laundry room
  49. Broken pieces of decorations (vases, wall hanging, pictures, etc).
  50. Everything in your garage that you’re not sure what to do with

Wanna start decluttering your home?

Check out this post and learn about how to declutter your home in a week!

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